Ready to Rumble???

Justin Williams, Otakus & Geeks Which toy made your childhood awesome?? Here, Justin Williams, Editor of Otakus and Geeks reminisces about the joys of growing up in early 90’s when 16-bit games and mullet-wearing wrestlers were all the rage!

As a big fan of WWF- now WWE – growing up I played WWF RAW the most in the 16 bit era days. This game was an improvement of the previous game Royal Rumble. It’s one of the first games to have wrestlers like Big Daddy Cool Diesel and 1,2,3 Kid and more. It even offered more modes like Bedlam, Survivor Series and the Endurance match. My favorite wrestler to use was Bret Hart. Even though everyone basically had the same moves like suplex, body slam, Irish whips etc, the finishing moves were all different and nothing can beat Bret Hart’s Sharpshooter.  The graphics were good for it’s time and it managed to have a 6-man Royal Rumble which was pretty fun.


Overall this was a very addictive game growing up and any retro fan should have it in their collection.

Otakus and Geeks is a website run by fans for fans. Covering a wide gamut of geekery from anime, videogames and manga, you can keep up to date with them through Facebook, Twitter, and if you just want to say hi, you can do that here.

Let’s hear it for the Day!

Don’t mess with Felicia Day. She has friends in high places. And on Twitter.

Last week, the now former writer for gaming site Destructoid, Ryan Perez, attacked Day completely out of left-field, accusing her of being nothing more than a ‘glorified booth babe’ who brings nothing to the gaming industry.

As Julie Roberts would say, “big mistake. Huuuge”.

Felicia Day, as most of you will know, is one of the hardest working people in the industry. Hands down. She’s clearly an intelligent, hard-working woman who has found her niche and exploited it. And I use the term ‘exploited’ in a positive sense. She’s evidently got a good business head on her shoulders and has leveraged her success to create a geek media empire in the making. It was a good call. At time of writing, the Geek and Sundry Youtube channel currently has 247,391and Day herself has over 1.9 million followers on Twitter.

Perez came under almost immediate attack for his unwarranted diatribe of abuse, triggering an incredible display of solidarity by friends and fans of Felicia Day.

Oh dear.

What does this teach us?

Fist of all, your mother was right. If you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all. Secondly if you do say something awful about someone, you better have a bulletproof vest and a highly resilient ego because her friends gonna’ get you.

Perez may be regretting his attack now because not only will he never be invited to Wil Wheaton’s house for dinner, but he has officially been dumped by Destructoid in a ‘it’s not us, it’s definitely you’ type scenario. Perez and Destructoid parted ways in the wake of Felicia-Gate with Destructoid stating categorically that they in no way shared the opinions of Perez.

The internet is aflame with the controversy, some accusing Perez of sexism and others claiming that his right to free speech is being compromised.

It’s all too easy to throw the sexist card out there and accuse Perez of being biased against Day simply because she’s a woman in the gaming industry, an industry which incidentally gets some (justifiable) flak for not always being female-friendly. But it would be too simplistic to just say that he’s a misogynist and be done with it.

The gaming industry is suffering from an image problem, and is seen by many to be nothing more than a boys’ club. It’s explored in greater detail in a must-read interesting blog post by Xenos. For women working in, or who are fans of, that industry, it’s easy to see how Perez’s attack on a lady who has done a lot to raise the profile of the gaming industry and made it more accessible for women, can just compound the current situation.

My personal opinion is that he may just be an idiot, a notion he may well subscribe to himself stating that he may have been better off to aim his attack at God or the Catholic Church.

On the other hand, he is perfectly entitled to his own opinion even if it’s a negative one, however Twitter isn’t the forum for an attack, and an unwarranted and very public one at that.

Whether he was drunk, as he claims isn’t an excuse. It might account for his lack of forethought but certainly not for the bilious attack on Day, the reason for which is still unclear. Perez even goes so far as to suggest that he doesn’t really know who Day is (he certainly can’t claim that now) which makes the entire situation even more baffling. He does go on to say that he will actually acquaint himself with her portfolio of work, which may have been an idea prior to the Twitter fiasco.

He also offers a contrite ‘sorry’ to Day which is followed by a 7-part apology issued, ironically enough through Twitter.

Felicia Day accepted Perez’s apology with good grace, and the controversy is eventually beginning to die down. His actions were completely unjustifiable but it’s safe to say that even if he never learned a lesson from this, his career now lies in tatters and his credibility seems to be shot to pieces. That should be deterrent enough for the next person looking to take a swipe at the Queen of Geek.

The solution?  Somebody needs to invent a breathalyzer that plugs into your laptop or phone and disables all social media channels when your blood/alcohol limit reaches a certain point. Anybody looking for a startup idea? Invent that and you’ll be golden.

Bet Perez wishes he had just drunk dialed his ex on Friday night, instead of drunk tweeting that ‘glorified booth babe’.


9 Best Nerd Sites on the Interweb

Never let it be said we don’t do anything for you guys! Whether you’re out of the nerd closet and proudly wear your nerdiness on your sleeve or if you have yet to let your friends know that you’d rather watch all of the Star Wars movies back-to-back than go to the latest club, we’ve compiled a list of the best websites to keep you on top of nerdy/geek current affairs. Consider this your ultimate nerd news channel. You’re welcome.

Comic Booked

In terms of comic book review, Comic Booked is right up there with the best of them. Don’t be fooled by the name – they’re not just comic book readers but podcasters, gamers and massive toy fans too. They have a huge team of incredible nerds led by Jordan DesJardins. They rock. And you should rock with them too. There’s nothing more to say. Check them out at

MTV Geek

An offshoot of the hugely popular MTV juggernaut, MTV Geek was launched in 2010. Some said it was thanks to the MTV name that it gained such a substantial following but in truth, nerdette extraordinaire, and comic book editor Valerie Gallaher has guided it from the beginning to the dreamy heights of success it’s reached today. Known for her pull-no-punches approach to reviewing comic books, Gallaher has curated a top-notch team of writers and contributors to cover all the latest in pop culture news, reviews, conventions and gaming.

Get thee to the Geek on

Nerd Reactor

Featuring news and reviews on movies, video games and comics, all written in an invariably witty writing style, Nerd Reactor will make your day more interesting just for being there. It’s up-to-date, it’s topical and always has something fun/witty/interesting to say at least once a day. They also always have the most hilarious posts on Facebook. Don’t like them if your sensibilities are easily offended. Go to to check them out.


If you haven’t heard of Nerdist, get out of the room. Now.

Ok, seriously come back, we have something awesome to tell you. So, Nerdist is like a mish-mash of all of these awesome writers and podcasters who have come together to make geeky heaven. It’s truly fantastic and a great site to add to your general reading/listening. It’s also becoming a juggernaut nerd site – everything we used to listen to is gradually becoming amalgamated with Nerdist. Which is no bad thing. It just means that you have all your (soon-to-be) favorite channels in the one place. It won’t make you smarter, just nerdier. You’ll be no use in a general knowledge pub quiz but it’ll make you a happier person. Click on

Geeks are Sexy

The title tells us what we all knew already, but in case you were in any doubt there’s a picture of a very suggestive young lady sitting right next to the logo. Just in case there were any Doubting Thomas’s lurking about.

Quite aside from the ‘sexy secretary’ look which if nothing else has brightened up many a dreary day, Geek Are Sexy covers tech, science and social news. Not alone that but they cover cosplay in some detail as well as attending some conventions – Denver Comic Con being the most recent. The site evolved from a Canadian blog and while it’s mainly aimed at IT pros and Computer professionals, it’s still well worth a look even if you’re not either. Trust us! Go to for more.


Face it, you’ll never be able to spell the name if this site properly because there are just too many o’s. Spelling aside, we definitely insist that you check out this complete nerd-fest in all its awesomeness. It doesn’t just cover comics but anime/manga, games and toys too. They do fantastic, comprehensive reviews of all the above AND they’ll take suggestions if there’s something in particular you want them to review. What else do you want? Check them out on

(For the record, there are 5 o’s in Kabooooom)

The Mary-Sue

Here’s one for the girls! Well not just the girls. The Mary-Sue is the ‘guide to girl geek culture’ but we definitely know a few guys who have been known to peruse the plethora of nerdy goodness found on its pages. To be frank, The Mary Sue can be absolutely hilarious.  It’s essentially a site with tonnes of really cool, funny, intelligent writers including Jill Pantozzi. Whether you’re a guy or a gal or you’re just not sure, get over to the The Mary-Sue at

This isn’t a definitive list by any means. Tell us what you think. Start a discussion here and let us know what you think are the best nerd websites. We undoubtedly missed some awesome ones from the list above. There could potentially be a list of the top 100 but really, who has the time?? Let us know what you think.

With as much nerd love as possible. ❤

Kerrie & the Curicon Team

The week in brief from Curicon HQ*…

This week we have mainly been coding and developing some awesome new features for the site, watching more youtube clips than can possibly be considered healthy, doing a bit more coding, being jealous of all the peeps on Twitter who are going to C2E2 and chatting with some really fun Curicon followers. We also had a photoshoot with some really cool characters. They moved in this week and they don’t take up too much space. But their language is atrociously foul. Here they are;

And a few more…

Saving the world!

He of the Scandinavian good looks

We currently have 106,788 items in the Curicon Library of collectables which we like to think is fairly awesome progress since January this year.  So far, our categories include Action Figures, Plushies, Dolls, Vinyl Toys, Comic Books, Warhammer, Scale Models, Lego, Manga, Trading Cards, Video Games, Digital Pets (for all those 90’s kids out there) and Games Consoles to name just a few. Take a cruise around the site and if there’s anything you think we should have on the site or anything you want to contribute, let us know here. Curicon is built by collectors for collectors and we really want to hear any feedback you might have, good or bad; just don’t make us cry. Or he shall smite you….The best part of today is that it’s Friday. Not alone is it Friday but it’s ‘Burger Friday’-a Curicon ritual designed to delight and distract us from the aforementioned activities. A ritual where silliness is not just a possibility but also a requisite. It usually involves the Curicon imps digging around the creek trying to get a look at the resident lizards (no that’s not a metaphor, there really are lizards).

This is Matt in his hat. Not a lizard

This is a Lizard. Not Matt













In an impressive bout of name-dropping, we have to tell you that we had the good fortune to make friends this week with the lovely Alex Zalben, he of Elephant Larry & Comic Book Club fame (yes, we know you’re jealous and frankly, you should be). He’s even nicer than we thought he could possibly be. And yes, we’re gushing a little bit but it’s allowed.

He also looks much more real than this picture would have you believe

Youtube videos we’re loving this week…

An anthem for geeks and nerds everywhere, the multi-talented Felicia Day (is there anything this woman can’t do?) and The Guild, “I’m the one that’s Cool”

Honestly, this will just turn you to mush inside. The cutest, smartest kid who has his own games arcade made from cardboard. We challenge you not to love it.

And not just because he’s our new best friend (BFF might be pushing it but you never know) but also because it’s an awesome episode, here’s the first @Nerdist Channel episode of Comic Book Live

Lest you think we’re simply coasting along watching Youtube videos, we have also been hard at work developing new features for Curicon that promise awesomeness, cult-like passion and a warm fuzzy feeling inside. Trumpet-blowing much? There’s no room for modesty here so if that’s your bag, move along. Nothing to see here 🙂

Keep checking in with us to see what we’re up to. Or just stop by to say hello. We like meeting new friends. We’re on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr and Google+

*WARNING: Read this on your lunch break. We’re not sure how easily you can pass off watching youtube videos as ‘work’. Unless you’re Kevin Alloca.